A guide to find new fans when your audience is small
Finding fans is way harder than it seems. It is like 10 times more tougher task to find new number of fans and promote your contents among them. Without the presence of large fans it seems impossible to promote and market your contents and it seems like a never ending tasks to grow your channel. Growing your audience can be one of the most challenging yet rewarding aspects of being a content creator. Having a large online following can open up a ton of opportunities for creators. However, it’s rare for a channel’s subscriber count to completely blow up overnight. Most creators spend years carefully growing an audience of dedicated subscribers.
Here are a few ways to find new fans when you have a small channel.
1. Expand your content to other social media platforms.
There are probably a ton of people out there who would love your content, but they just haven’t heard about you yet. Sometimes, instead of waiting for new viewers to come to you, you have to bring your content to them. Your future superfans might be consuming more content on a different social media platform, so you need to introduce yourself and lead them to your YouTube channel.
Start creating content for other social media platforms. You can even recycle parts of your YouTube videos. Use clips from your previous uploads to create TikToks or Instagram Reels. Share snapshots from your videos, such as the end result of a makeup tutorial, on Instagram. You could even stream part of a Let’s Play on Twitch then use the recording to create a YouTube video.
2. Collaborate with other creators in your content niche.
The viewers who are fans of other creators in your content niche would likely enjoy your content as well. By collaborating with other creators who reach the audience demographic you’re aiming for, you can get your content in front of all kinds of new viewers. You don’t have to collaborate with the biggest channels in your niche, though. Channels similar to yours in size are a great place to start.
Start with any other creators you’re already friends with. If you don’t know anyone who creates content similar to yours, then reach out to creators you’re a fan of. Focus on building a friendship instead of just asking them to do a video with you. Then, when you finally collab, make sure to film a video for their channel as well.
3. Create timely content.
Finally, you can reach new viewers by creating the content they’re looking for. Experiment with timely content inspired by what’s trending across the internet. Then, new viewers will find your videos in their search results.
For example, you could commentate on a recent pop culture event, review a new blockbuster movie, or recreate a viral red carpet look. You could also test out a viral product or participate in the latest video trend. Be sure to upload such videos quickly so that you can strike while the iron is hot.
As a smaller creator, you may need to meet your future fans where they currently are. Create content on different platforms, collaborate with other creators, and upload timely videos.
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