How to find trending contents
On YouTube, participating in the most recent video trend is a good way for nearly anyone to go viral. The earlier you join in on a trend, the better. However, in order to jump on a trend early, you have to be able to catch it quickly.
Here are a few ways to find trending video ideas.
Check YouTube’s trending tab for recurring video formats.
The trending page isn’t just a place for viewers to find new creators or popular videos to watch. Those videos rank on the trending page for a reason. As a creator, you should pay close attention to what’s on the trending page.
You should make note of any especially interesting or novel videos you see, especially if they seem relatively easy to recreate. If you see the same new idea popping up again and again, then it’s probably turning into a trend. Following the new trend can help you reach the trending page.
Search popular creators’ recent uploads for similar video concepts.
As you’re studying the trending page, you’ll probably see the same creators ranking over and over again. These creators are highly likely to start video trends because of their immense influence. Therefore, you should be studying their channels as well.
Look at the most recent uploads on a few popular channels. Check the recent uploads from creators who are popular in your specific content niche as well. Do you see any similar themes or concepts in their videos?
Observe emerging patterns on your subscription page.
You probably draw a lot of inspiration from the creators you’re subscribed to. However, you should look at your subscription page as a whole. What do these creators have in common? What kinds of things are they working on?
Studying your own subscription page will help you spot trends within your own community. Oftentimes, video trends start in smaller content niches then spread across the platform. Therefore, keeping a close eye on your own subscription page can help you stay ahead of the curve.
Whenever you participate in a new video trend, be sure to credit the idea to the original creator. Link their video in your description, and encourage your other creator friends to try the trend themselves so you can help it spread.
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