Why you should record and upload your youtube videos in 4K
The Youtube industry is the biggest industry in the world , with over 225 million Youtubers in India alone. 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute worldwide (Tubefilter, 2019). That’s 30,000 hours of video uploaded every hour. And 720,000 hours of video uploaded every day to YouTube.
So, If you are a youtuber or want to become like one , then you need to be perfect
to stand out from the rest of the crowd. And in this tough and heavily
competitive world where we live, it becomes difficult for new creators to
make their presence in front of other already well-established creators.
But, don’t worry, there are a number of factors that will help you to
become like them.
So, in this article we will dive deeper into the concept of how making
your videos in 4K will help you to beat this competition. 4K is the newest
digital resolution and quickly gaining traction. It has four times the
number of pixels of 1080p. This means a larger image, more control, and
greater detail.
Despite 4K’s greater image quality, a lot of YouTubers are hesitant to
switch over from 1080p. This is based on common misconceptions
around the cost of 4K cameras and the manpower required by
computers to edit it.
So, Below are four reasons why you should upload your next YouTube
video in 4K.
1. You can gain more control over an image:
This is the most amazing aspect of recording your footage and pictures
in 4K resolution. 4K gives you larger files, greater detail, and a larger
image. This means you have more to work with in post-production.
YouTube uses VP9 codec technology for playback which means that
when you upload in 4K, it’s optimized to get you the sharpest and
clearest image possible.
You can zoom in and crop images without losing any of the detail. The
images captured in 4K resolution don’t lose their vector form ,i.e, they
don’t get blurred when zoomed in. This makes cutting close-ups and
adding effects that much easier. You can even stabilize wobbly camera
footage. 4K also captures more color detail, giving you a greater range
to work with.
2. You can shoot on your phone:
The most amazing and cool feature of recording videos and pictures in
4K is that you don’t need those heavy, bulky and expensive DSLR
cameras to record your youtube video. You can still record those
exclusive videos and footage from that small and compatible device right
there in your pocket – Your Mobile Phone. Yes, your mobile phone has
an inbuilt 4K camera resolution system that records and captures
footage, picture, and motion graphics in 4K resolution.
There are many pictures, movies and short clips that are recorded with
an iPhone only and that are very perfectly captured. Hit movies like
Tangerine and Unsane have shown that iPhones are perfect for any
low-budget content creator.
If you’re shooting on your iPhone you’ll want to make sure that the
footage is stored elsewhere. There are a variety of portable hard drives
and SSDs available for cheap that’ll do the job.
3. Your Videos will appear higher in Searches:
This is also an effective method to break down the Youtube algorithm by
making your videos look crisp and love to watch. If your audience will
find a better video with good video content and good quality, obviously,
they will watch more videos more frequently on this channel. This will
make the Youtube algorithm happy and your videos will be on top of your
search results, thus giving you more views than usual.
The time and effort you spend on uploading in 4K can pay off, as your
videos have a better chance of ranking higher. As a result, you’ll be on
track to gain new subscribers and viewers.
4. Future is changing to 4K, so be prepared for it :
Prior to 1080p, most YouTube content was shot in 360p or 720p. 4K
technology is the latest technology and becoming more mainstream, as
4K TV and 4K monitor sales are increasing rapidly. With the cost of
manufacturing 4K TVs decreasing, people will have more incentive to
buy them.
It won’t be long before 4K TVs and monitors become common
household products. That means uploading your video in 4K could
guarantee that it’ll have an audience for years to come.
So, these were the 4 most amazing and cool feature of recording and
uploading your contents on Youtube.
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