5 ways on how social media affects our mental health
Health experts say that sitting is the new smoking . The number
of health that is affected by sitting is outstanding , given that
sitting gives us various kinds of diseases and health advisories.
But there is also something very concerning about sitting – and
that is scrolling through social media all day and night but not
doing something productive .
See , social media has its own good effects as well , if we think
about how much money does influencers make and they owe a
lot to the social medias , but if we keep on scrolling and buzz
feeding through social media it will have a severe impact on our
lives and our mental health can be affected as well.
So here are the common ways in which all kind of social medias
is affecting our daily lives and mental health :
1. Social media is addictive :
One of the worst effects of scrolling through social media is that
it is very much addictive . The amount of Dopamine we release
per day on scrolling through social media is insane to tell you
the addictivity that we give to social media .
Social media has so many addiction criteria, such as neglect of personal
life, mental preoccupation, escapism, mood modifying experiences,
tolerance and concealing the addictive behavior, appear to be present in
some people who use [social networks] excessively.
Researchers have also found that the motivation for people’s excessive
use of social networks differs depending on certain traits—introverts andextroverts use it for different reasons, as do people with pessimistic
2. Anxiety and Loneliness :
There is much evidence available on the internet to know how social
media has connected our lives with the rest of the world , even in the
times of COVID-19 virus , and how much adversities it has on our
personal relationships and mental health .
But still , there are millions of cases where , despite being connected with
so many people on the internet , people still are so lonely in their actual
life. They have lots of connections with the outsiders but they don’t have
any connections with any of their family members . This creates Anxiety
and depression among people.
There are many factors that are likely to be in play here. For example,
you may suffer from a “fear of missing out” (FOMO), witnessing other
people have a good time when you’re on social media and constantly
wanting to check social media when you’re off it.
So it’s very much important for each of us to realize how adverse it could
also be to keep our eye on this social media.
3. Echo chambers :
Users on social media tend to self-isolate in some respects, unfriending
and unfollowing sources who say things they don’t agree with and
seeking out people who do agree with them.
This facilitates the development of echo chambers, where only one
narrative is constantly recycled.
In turn, this limits our ability to remain open minded to new ideas,
causes us to demonize people we don’t agree with, and in some cases,
allows us to continue believing untruths.We kind of keep ourselves
remain fitted to this outside worlds and forget that their is also ananother beautiful world situated inside us – our real families , our real
friends , our relationships and such like that.
4.We start to compare our lives with others :
This is the most adverse and serious effect of excessive use of social
media platforms . We start to compare our actual and practical life with
someone who we have not actually met and live life together .
We fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others as we scroll
through our feeds, and make judgements about how we measure up.
I have found that comparisons make people feel worse – which is
surprising, since in real life, only upward comparisons (feeling another
person has it better than you) makes people feel bad. But in the social
network world, it seems that any kind of comparison is linked to
depressive symptoms.
So this thinking may have serious effects on our lives .
5. Social media can lead to jealousy :
Why do we feel jealous ? When our expectations fall short at other
people’s expectations and outcomes , we start to feel jealous from inside .
But the actual jealousy just begins from comparing yourself with others .
We oftenly do this on social media without knowing . That person has nic
car , but I don’t even have a bike . That lady is so pretty , but I’m as ugly .
Oh wow that person has such a nice mansion , I don’t even have a small
house of my own .
The point is that by comparing our lives and the non-essential things
that people have and we don’t have , it makes us jealous at every point
and we start to think for ourselves that our life is very bad and our life
sucks at every point .I think the truth is that – feeling jealous can make a person want to make
his or her own life look better, and post jealousy-inducing posts of their
own, in an endless circle of one-upping and feeling jealous.
So , according to my perspective , we should stop the over-excessive use
of social media since it has its adverse effects . Instead we should start
using social media for something good and for something valuable .
Believe me it’ll change your life for good.