The right way to reconstruct your channel’s content
Change is the only possible way to make your way through the large audience and to stand out from them. It is the only way to think creatively and to have independent thoughts. Similarly, it’s very important to reconstruct your channel’s contents so that it will help you to improve your audience engagement ratio and view counts.
The longer you’ve been on YouTube, the more comfortable both you and your audience will be with the image you’ve created. However, as a creative type of person, you may feel stuck in or stifled by the same old routine. If you’re ready for a change, then it might be time to rebrand your content.
Here’s the right way to restructure your channel.
1. Determine how you want to be perceived online.
The first thing you need to do is determine what kind of person you want to be online. Who do you want your audience to know you as? What about your current image doesn’t feel like the real you anymore?
The key factor here is authenticity. Oftentimes, when creators have been on the platform for a longtime, they’re afraid to let their content grow and mature with them. However, if you’re trying to make the same kind of content at twenty-five that you did at fifteen, then it won’t feel authentic to you or your audience.
Keep in mind that your core audience has likely grown up with you. Even if your main demographic skews younger, you can focus some videos on an audience that’s more similar to your own age.
2. Make a content schedule.
Using the qualities you want to portray as a basis, determine what kind of videos you’re going to make. You may choose a different avenue of your current content niche, or you may decide to move to a new YouTube community entirely.
Brainstorm several video ideas that fit into your new content style. Try to come up with enough for the next six months. If you can come up with enough video ideas, then your channel rebrand is likely sustainable.
Next, flesh those ideas out into a content schedule Determine exactly which videos will be uploaded on what days. Map out the time you’ll need to gather supplies, film, and edit each video. Decide if you need to change your upload schedule.
When making your content schedule, you may find it helpful to check out tutorials like the one below.
3. Design a new color scheme and channel art.
As part of your rebrand, you should give your channel a new look. Think of how artists change their looks after the release of each album, creating new “eras” in their careers. While you might change up your hair color or your personal style, what you should start with is your channel art.
Design a new color scheme to build your branding off of. You might choose more mature shades of your channel colors, such as going from bubblegum pink to blush. Alternatively, you might choose a new color palette entirely.
Restructuring your channel can help reignite your passion for content creation. The most important thing is sharing the reasons for the rebrand with your audience.
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